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Dehumidifiers and Mold Prevention: What You Need to Know

7/10/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation Here's what you need to know about using dehumidifiers to prevent mold issues.

Dehumidifiers can be a valuable tool in mold prevention and maintaining a healthy home environment. By effectively controlling indoor humidity levels, dehumidifiers help reduce the conditions that promote mold growth. Here's what you need to know about using dehumidifiers to prevent mold issues.

Understanding Indoor Humidity

Indoor humidity refers to the amount of moisture in the air inside your home. It's measured by relative humidity, expressed as a percentage. Maintaining appropriate indoor humidity levels is crucial because excessive moisture can create the ideal environment for mold growth.

How Dehumidifiers Can Help

Dehumidifiers are designed to remove excess moisture from the air, helping to control indoor humidity. By extracting moisture, dehumidifiers create a drier and less favorable environment for mold to thrive. They can be particularly useful in areas with high humidity or inadequate ventilation, such as basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms.

Determining the Right Dehumidifier Size

When choosing a dehumidifier, it's important to consider the size and capacity that best suits your needs. Dehumidifiers are available in various sizes, classified by the amount of moisture they can remove in a specified period. The capacity is typically measured in pints of moisture removed per day.

To determine the right dehumidifier size, consider the square footage of the area you want to dehumidify and the current humidity levels. This information can help guide you in selecting a dehumidifier that is capable of effectively controlling the moisture in your specific space.

Proper Placement of Dehumidifiers

Proper placement of dehumidifiers is essential for their effective operation. Place the dehumidifier in an area that requires moisture control, such as a room with persistent dampness or a space susceptible to mold growth. Ensure that the dehumidifier is not obstructed and has sufficient airflow for optimal performance.

Maintenance and Cleanliness

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your dehumidifier are crucial for efficient operation and long-term mold prevention. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, emptying the water reservoir, and replacing filters. A clean and well-maintained dehumidifier helps ensure its effectiveness in controlling indoor humidity and preventing mold issues.

Additional Mold Prevention Tips

While dehumidifiers are an excellent tool for mold prevention, they are most effective when combined with other preventive measures. Here are a few additional tips:

  • Properly ventilate your home, especially in high-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens.
  • Inspect for water leaks or moisture issues and address them promptly.
  • Use exhaust fans in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms.
  • Keep your home clean and dry by promptly drying wet surfaces.
  • Consider using mold-resistant materials in areas prone to moisture, such as mold-resistant drywall or paint.

Professional Assistance

If you're experiencing persistent mold issues or need expert guidance in using dehumidifiers for mold prevention, SERVPRO® can provide professional assistance. Our mold remediation experts can assess your specific situation, offer tailored solutions, and help restore a mold-free environment.

Dehumidifiers are a valuable tool for controlling indoor humidity and preventing mold growth. By incorporating dehumidifiers into your mold prevention strategy and following these additional tips, you can create a healthy and mold-free home environment.

For more information on dehumidifiers and mold prevention, contact SERVPRO. Our team is ready to assist you with any mold-related concerns and provide the expertise required to maintain a safe and comfortable living space.

Extracting Excellence: The Importance of Professional Water Extraction Services

6/11/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can strike unexpectedly, wreaking havoc on homes and businesses alike. Whether it's a burst pipe, flooding, or sewage backup, the aftermath of water intrusion can be devastating. In such situations, professional water extraction services play a crucial role in mitigating damage and restoring affected properties. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of professional water extraction services and how they contribute to efficient and effective water damage restoration.

Rapid Response

Professional water extraction services offer rapid response times, arriving on-site promptly to assess the extent of the water damage and begin extraction efforts immediately. Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage, as prolonged exposure to moisture can exacerbate damage and lead to secondary issues such as mold growth and structural damage.

Advanced Equipment

Professional water extraction companies utilize state-of-the-art equipment and technology to extract water quickly and efficiently. Industrial-grade pumps, extractors, and dehumidifiers are employed to remove standing water, dry out affected areas, and restore optimal humidity levels. These specialized tools ensure thorough extraction and minimize the risk of further damage.

Expertise and Experience

Trained technicians with expertise in water damage restoration possess the knowledge and skills necessary to assess the situation accurately and develop a comprehensive extraction plan. They understand the complexities of water damage and employ proven techniques to address water intrusion effectively, from identifying hidden moisture pockets to preventing mold growth.

Comprehensive Restoration

Professional water extraction services encompass more than just water removal – they offer comprehensive restoration solutions to address all aspects of water damage. In addition to extraction, restoration professionals conduct thorough drying, dehumidification, sanitization, and structural repairs to restore the property to its preloss condition.

Mold Prevention

One of the most significant risks associated with water damage is mold growth. Mold thrives in damp, humid environments and can begin to colonize within 24 to 48 hours of water intrusion. Professional water extraction services help mitigate the risk of mold growth by removing excess moisture and thoroughly drying affected areas, preventing mold from taking hold and spreading.

Minimized Disruption

Water damage can disrupt daily life and business operations, causing inconvenience and financial loss. Professional water extraction services work efficiently to minimize disruption and expedite the restoration process, allowing homeowners and businesses to return to normalcy as quickly as possible.

Professional water extraction services are indispensable in the aftermath of water damage incidents, providing rapid response, advanced equipment, expertise, and comprehensive restoration solutions. SERVPRO of Longmont has trained professionals and can expedite the restoration process, ultimately minimizing disruption and restoring peace of mind. When water strikes, swift action and professional expertise are essential for achieving optimal outcomes in water damage restoration.

Weathering the Storm: Minimizing Damage and Navigating Insurance Considerations in North Central Hailstorms

5/8/2024 (Permalink)

The North Central region of the United States is no stranger to severe weather, and among the various challenges, hailstorms stand out for their potential to cause significant damage to homes, vehicles, and crops. In this blog, we'll explore strategies to minimize damage during North Central hailstorms and offer insights into navigating insurance considerations to ensure a smoother recovery process.

Minimizing Damage During Hailstorms:

  1. Roof Inspection and Maintenance

Regular roof inspections are vital in hail-prone regions. Ensure your roof is in good condition and replace any damaged or worn-out shingles promptly. Consider impact-resistant roofing materials to enhance your roof's durability against hail.

  1. Protective Coverings for Vehicles

If possible, park your vehicles in a garage or covered area during hailstorms. If no covered parking is available, use blankets, car covers, or hail-resistant car mats to provide a layer of protection for your vehicles.

  1. Reinforce Windows and Skylights

Install impact-resistant windows and skylights, or consider adding protective coverings during hail seasons. Reinforced glass can significantly reduce the risk of shattered windows during a hailstorm.

  1. Hail-Resistant Siding and Exterior Materials

Consider using hail-resistant siding and exterior materials for your home. These materials are designed to withstand impact and minimize damage caused by hailstones.

  1. Outdoor Furniture and Décor

Secure or bring indoors any outdoor furniture, décor, or equipment that could be damaged by hail. Lightweight items can become projectiles in high winds, causing additional damage.

Insurance Considerations

  1. Review Your Insurance Policy

Familiarize yourself with your homeowner's insurance policy, paying close attention to coverage for hail damage. Understand the deductibles, coverage limits, and any exclusions related to hailstorms.

  1. Document Pre-Existing Conditions

Before hail season begins, document the current condition of your property, including the roof, siding, windows, and vehicles. This documentation can serve as evidence in the event of a hail damage claim.

  1. Promptly Report Damage

If your property sustains hail damage, report it to your insurance company as soon as possible. Delaying the reporting of damage may complicate the claims process.

  1. Document and Photograph Damage

Document the hail damage thoroughly by taking photographs and videos. Capture images of damaged areas from various angles to provide comprehensive documentation for your insurance claim.

  1. Obtain Multiple Repair Estimates

Seek estimates from reputable contractors for repairing the hail damage. Having multiple estimates can help ensure a fair and accurate assessment of the repair costs.

  1. Work with Reputable Contractors

Choose reputable and experienced contractors to carry out repairs. Check for proper licensing, insurance, and references. Working with professionals can help ensure quality repairs and a smoother insurance claims process.

  1. Understand Depreciation and Actual Cash Value

Insurance settlements for hail damage may be based on the actual cash value (ACV) of the damaged items, considering depreciation. Understand how this calculation works and whether your policy offers options for full replacement cost coverage.

  1. Consider Hail-Resistant Upgrades

Depending on the extent of the damage, consider investing in hail-resistant upgrades during the repair process. Upgrading to impact-resistant roofing, siding, and windows may provide added protection in the future.

In conclusion, North Central hailstorms pose a unique set of challenges, but proactive measures and informed insurance considerations can significantly mitigate their impact. By implementing strategies to minimize damage and understanding the nuances of insurance coverage, homeowners in hail-prone regions can navigate the aftermath of storms with greater confidence and resilience.

Igniting Safety: Home Fire Prevention Tips for Spring and Summer

4/4/2024 (Permalink)

As the temperatures rise and nature awakens, spring and summer bring about a vibrant transformation in our surroundings. While enjoying the warmth and beauty of these seasons, it's crucial to prioritize home fire prevention. In this blog, we'll explore essential tips to safeguard your home during the spring and summer months, reducing the risk of fires and ensuring a safe and enjoyable season.

Grill Safety

Grilling is a popular activity during warm months. Ensure your grill is placed at a safe distance from the house, deck railings, and overhanging branches.

Regularly clean the grill to prevent the buildup of grease, reducing the risk of flare-ups.

Electrical Safety

Inspect outdoor electrical outlets for any signs of damage or wear. Replace damaged outlets promptly. Be cautious with the use of extension cords outdoors, and ensure they are rated for outdoor use. If using outdoor cooking appliances, such as turkey fryers, follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Keep a safe distance between the cooking area and your home, and never leave outdoor cooking unattended.

Clear Debris

Spring and summer can bring about an abundance of dry leaves, twigs, and other debris. Regularly clear these from your yard to reduce potential fuel for fires. Keep your lawn well-watered and mowed. Dry, overgrown grass can quickly become fuel for fires. When disposing of yard waste, follow local regulations and guidelines. Avoid burning yard waste in areas where it's prohibited.

Fire-Resistant Landscaping

Choose fire-resistant plants for landscaping. These plants are less likely to ignite and can act as a buffer around your home. If you have a fireplace or fire pit, store firewood at a safe distance from your home. Keep it in a dry area to prevent mold and insects. If you have a fireplace, schedule a professional chimney inspection and cleaning before the start of the spring and summer seasons. If you have a chimney, consider installing spark arresters to prevent sparks from escaping and igniting nearby vegetation.

Be Mindful of Fireworks

If fireworks are legal in your area, follow safety guidelines. Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby, and never relight duds. Properly store flammable products such as gasoline and propane in approved containers and in well-ventilated areas away from the home. Develop and review an emergency evacuation plan with all members of your household. Practice it regularly so that everyone knows what to do in case of a fire.

Spring and summer are seasons of joy and outdoor activities, but it's crucial to balance the excitement with a commitment to safety. By following these home fire prevention tips, you can create a secure environment for your family, allowing everyone to embrace the beauty and warmth of the season without unnecessary risks. Ignite safety practices in your home, and enjoy a worry-free spring and summer.

Breathing Easier: Proper Home Ventilation to Safeguard Against Mold

3/6/2024 (Permalink)

Mold prevention is a key aspect of maintaining a resilient and aesthetically pleasing home. One of the crucial elements in preventing mold is proper ventilation. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies to ventilate your home correctly to help prevent mold growth.

Strategic Use of Exhaust Fans

Install and utilize exhaust fans in areas prone to high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. These fans help expel moist air, reducing the potential for mold-friendly conditions.

Take advantage of natural airflow by strategically positioning windows to allow cross-ventilation. This encourages the movement of fresh air through your home, preventing stagnant, humid conditions that mold thrives on.

Attic and Crawl Space Ventilation

Ensure proper ventilation in your attic to prevent moisture buildup. Install soffit and ridge vents to facilitate air circulation, reducing the risk of mold growth in this often overlooked but critical space. If your home has a crawl space, ensure it is adequately ventilated. Proper ventilation minimizes the likelihood of dampness, creating an environment less conducive to mold. Basements are prone to high humidity. Use dehumidifiers and consider installing basement window wells or vents to improve ventilation and reduce moisture levels.

Regular HVAC System Maintenance

Schedule regular maintenance for your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. A well-maintained HVAC system promotes efficient air circulation, reducing the risk of stagnant air and mold growth. Ceiling fans are effective in improving air circulation. Use them to promote airflow in rooms, especially during warmer months, to prevent the buildup of humidity.

Utilize Ventilated Building Materials

Choose building materials that promote ventilation. Opt for materials that allow air circulation, such as properly vented roof sheathing and breathable wall systems.

Window ventilators, designed to fit into open windows, can enhance airflow. These devices promote ventilation by drawing in fresh air while expelling stale air, helping maintain a well-ventilated environment. Appliances that generate moisture, like gas stoves, should be adequately ventilated to the outside. Proper ventilation prevents moisture buildup in indoor spaces.

Invest in Roof Vents

Install roof vents to facilitate proper attic ventilation. Ridge and soffit vents, along with gable vents, contribute to efficient air circulation, preventing conditions conducive to mold growth. Consider using flooring materials that allow air circulation. Ventilated subfloor systems, for example, can help prevent moisture buildup and mold growth in areas like basements.

Opt for insulation materials that allow for proper ventilation. Breathable insulation options contribute to air circulation and reduce the risk of mold-friendly conditions.

Proper ventilation is a fundamental component of effective mold prevention. By implementing these strategies, you can create a home environment that discourages mold growth, ensuring the longevity and aesthetic appeal of your residence. A well-ventilated home is a resilient home, standing strong against the subtle threats posed by mold infestations. Breathe easier and enjoy the benefits of a thoughtfully ventilated living space.

The Importance of Timely Water Damage Restoration: Preventing Long-Term Damage and Ensuring Safety

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage is a common occurrence in homes, caused by various factors such as floods, leaks, or plumbing issues. If left unaddressed, water damage can result in long-term and expensive restoration efforts. In this blog, we will explore the importance of timely water damage restoration and the risks associated with delaying restoration efforts.

Preventing Further Damage

Timely water damage restoration is crucial in preventing further damage to the property and its occupants. Water damage can quickly escalate, leading to structural damage, mold growth, and electrical hazards. Quick action, such as water extraction and proper drying techniques, can mitigate the extent of damage.

Cost Savings

If left unaddressed, water damage can result in long-term damage, increasing restoration costs. Prompt restoration efforts can help avoid the need for extensive repairs and replacement of furniture, appliances, and structural components.

Mold Prevention

Water damage creates a favorable environment for mold growth, leading to potential health hazards. Timely restoration efforts can prevent mold formation by removing excess water and implementing effective drying techniques. Restoration professionals use specialized equipment to detect and monitor moisture levels to ensure complete drying.

Electrical Safety

Water damage creates electrical hazards, increasing the likelihood of electrocution or short-circuiting. Restoration professionals have the expertise to cut off power to the affected area promptly, ensuring electrical safety and minimizing further risks.

Indoor Air Quality

Water damage can negatively affect indoor air quality, potentially causing respiratory issues or allergies. Restoration professionals can inspect the property for potential contaminants and use specialized equipment such as air scrubbers and HEPA filters to improve air quality.

Insurance Claims and Documentation

Timely water damage restoration also plays a crucial role in the insurance claims process. Insurance companies require detailed documentation of the damage and the restoration process to assess the validity of claims. By promptly addressing water damage and engaging professional restoration services, homeowners can gather the necessary evidence and documentation to support their insurance claims. Restoration professionals are experienced in working with insurance companies and can provide accurate and detailed reports of the damage, restoration procedures, and associated costs. 

Timely water damage restoration is essential in mitigating the extent of damage and ensuring occupant safety. It prevents further damage, reduces restoration costs, prevents mold growth, ensures electrical safety, improves air quality, and insurance claims and documentation.  Homeowners must contact restoration professionals promptly after water damage occurs to ensure timely restoration efforts.

Battling the Fury: Essential Safety Tips for Derecho Windstorms

1/4/2024 (Permalink)

Derecho windstorms are powerful and often unexpected weather events characterized by straight-line winds that can cause extensive damage. With their ability to uproot trees, damage structures, and disrupt power lines, derecho storms require thorough preparation and a keen awareness of safety measures. In this blog, we'll explore crucial safety tips to help you navigate through a derecho windstorm and protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

Stay Informed

Monitor weather forecasts and stay informed about potential derecho warnings. The more aware you are of approaching severe weather conditions, the better prepared you can be to take necessary precautions.

Secure Outdoor Items

Derecho winds can reach high speeds, turning loose objects into dangerous projectiles. Secure outdoor furniture, tools, and other items that could become projectiles, and bring in or tie down any loose items in your yard to prevent them from causing damage during the storm.

Create a Family Emergency Plan

Develop a family emergency plan that includes communication strategies, evacuation routes, and a designated meeting point. Ensure that every family member is familiar with the plan and knows what to do in the event of a derecho windstorm.

Reinforce Doors and Windows

Reinforce doors and windows to minimize the risk of structural damage. Consider installing storm shutters or boarding up windows with plywood to provide an extra layer of protection.

Seek Shelter Indoors

When a derecho is approaching, the safest place to be is indoors. Stay away from windows, glass doors, and exterior walls. Seek shelter in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of your home.

Have an Emergency Kit Ready

Prepare an emergency kit that includes essentials such as non-perishable food, water, medications, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and important documents. Having these items readily available can be crucial in the aftermath of a derecho windstorm.

Charge Devices

Charge your electronic devices in advance to ensure you have access to communication tools and emergency information during power outages. Consider investing in portable chargers to keep your devices powered for an extended period.

Stay Away from Downed Power Lines

After the storm has passed, be cautious of downed power lines. Always assume that downed power lines are live and potentially dangerous. Keep a safe distance and report any fallen lines to your local utility company.

Be Cautious with Generators

If using a generator, follow safety guidelines to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Keep the generator outdoors, away from windows and doors, and never operate it in an enclosed space.

Check on Neighbors

Community support is vital during and after a derecho windstorm. Check on neighbors, especially those who may need assistance, such as the elderly or individuals with mobility issues.

Derecho windstorms are formidable forces of nature, and preparation is key to minimizing their impact on your safety and property. By staying informed, securing your surroundings, and following these safety tips, you can navigate through a derecho storm with resilience and protect what matters most. Remember, the safety of yourself and your loved ones should always be the top priority during severe weather events.

The Importance of Fire Alarm Systems in Commercial Buildings: Protecting Lives and Property

11/15/2023 (Permalink)

Fire alarm systems play a critical role in ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants in commercial buildings. In this blog, we will explore the significance of these systems and shed light on the essential reasons why every commercial building should have a reliable fire alarm system in place.

Early Detection and Prompt Response 

A fire alarm system is designed to detect signs of fire at the earliest stages, providing an early warning to occupants. The ability to alert employees, customers, and visitors immediately is vital in facilitating a swift evacuation and enabling a timely response from emergency services. Early detection significantly reduces the risk of injuries and casualties, as well as minimizing property damage.

Protection of Lives and Property

The most critical aspect of having a fire alarm system in place is its ability to protect lives and property. A well-functioning system ensures that people are alerted to the presence of a fire, giving them the best chance of escaping harm. Additionally, it enables firefighters to respond promptly and effectively, minimizing the potential devastation to the building and its contents.

Compliance with Regulations and Codes

Commercial buildings are subject to strict fire safety regulations and building codes. Installing a fire alarm system is often a legal requirement that businesses must adhere to. Compliance with these regulations not only ensures the safety of occupants but also protects businesses from potential liabilities and penalties.

Integration with Fire Suppression Systems

Fire alarm systems can be integrated with fire suppression systems, such as sprinklers or gas suppression systems. This integration ensures a comprehensive fire safety strategy, where the fire alarm system detects the fire and signals the suppression system to activate. By working together, these systems can swiftly contain and extinguish a fire, limiting its spread and minimizing the damage caused.

Peace of Mind

Having a fire alarm system in place not only provides physical protection but also offers peace of mind to building occupants and employees. Knowing that there is a reliable system in place that will promptly alert them in case of a fire creates a sense of security and confidence. This peace of mind can lead to increased morale and productivity in the workplace, as employees feel assured that their safety is a top priority. 

A reliable fire alarm system is an essential component of any commercial building's fire safety plan. It provides early detection, prompt response, and protects lives and property. Compliance with regulations and integration with fire suppression systems further enhance the effectiveness of these systems, ensuring the safety and well-being of all occupants. Occupants can go about their daily activities with the knowledge that they are protected by a well-designed and maintained fire alarm system, creating a safer and more comfortable environment for everyone.

Mold Prevention Tips for Every Homeowner

10/24/2023 (Permalink)

Mold growth can be a frustrating and costly problem for homeowners. In this blog, we will explore mold prevention tips that every homeowner can apply to protect their home and maintain a clean and healthy living environment. By taking these simple steps, you can help prevent the conditions that lead to mold growth and mitigate the risk of costly and time-consuming remediation.

Manage Humidity Levels

One of the most effective ways to prevent mold growth is by managing indoor humidity levels. Mold thrives in damp environments, so keeping the relative humidity in your home below 60% can help prevent its growth. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to high moisture levels, such as bathrooms and laundry rooms. Ensure adequate ventilation in your home by using exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom, opening windows, and using the air conditioner in hot and humid weather.

Address Water Leaks Promptly

Water leaks are a common cause of mold growth in homes. Whether it's a leaking roof, a burst pipe, or a dripping faucet, any water source that is left unchecked can lead to mold infestation. Address any water leaks or flooding promptly to prevent moisture buildup in your home. Clean up and dry any affected areas within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth. Consider hiring a professional to assist with water damage restoration to ensure thorough drying and prevent the growth of mold.

Keep Your Home Clean

A clean home can help prevent mold growth by removing any food sources that might encourage it. Clean and disinfect any susceptible surfaces, particularly in high-moisture areas, such as countertops, bathrooms, and kitchens. Regularly vacuum and dust your home and keep indoor plants to a minimum as they can trap moisture and promote mold growth.

Inspect and Maintain Your HVAC System

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can contribute to mold growth if not maintained properly. Change your HVAC filters regularly and have your system inspected and serviced once a year to ensure its efficiency and functionality. Ensure that the system is adequately ventilated to maintain good indoor air quality and prevent moisture buildup.

Monitor and Address Condensation

Condensation can contribute to increased moisture levels in your home, creating an environment favorable for mold growth. Keep an eye out for condensation on windows, pipes, or other surfaces and address it promptly. Wipe down and dry any areas prone to condensation to prevent moisture buildup. Consider using insulation or double-glazed windows to reduce condensation. Additionally, ensure proper airflow by keeping furniture and curtains away from walls and allowing air to circulate freely. By monitoring and addressing condensation, you can minimize excess moisture and decrease the chances of mold growth in your home.

Mold prevention is a critical part of maintaining a safe and comfortable home. By managing humidity levels, addressing water leaks promptly, keeping your home clean, and inspecting and maintaining your HVAC system, you can mitigate the risk of mold growth and protect your home and loved ones. These simple tips can save homeowners time, money, and potential headaches associated with mold infestation.

SERVPRO® of Longmont's Storm Damage Restoration

10/5/2023 (Permalink)

Colorado is no stranger to severe storms. From powerful winds that can knock down trees to heavy rainfall that can cause floods, storms can cause significant damage to homes and businesses in the region. In the aftermath of a storm, restoration services are crucial for repairing the damage and ensuring that affected properties are safe to inhabit. In this blog post, we will explore the role of SERVPRO® in storm damage restoration.


SERVPRO is a national franchise of restoration and cleaning services companies that provide a range of services, including storm damage restoration. With over 1,700 locations in the United States, SERVPRO has become a trusted name in the industry and has helped countless homeowners and businesses recover from storm-related damages.

What Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

SERVPRO offers a comprehensive list of services for storm damage restoration. Their team of trained and certified professionals utilizes the latest tools and techniques to restore properties that have been damaged by storms. Some of the services that SERVPRO provides include:

Emergency response services 

SERVPRO provides 24/7 response services to mitigate further damage. Their team of experts is available to respond to emergency calls, assess the damage, and begin the restoration process immediately.

Water damage restoration

In the event of flooding caused by a storm, SERVPRO can help extract water, dry damaged areas, and restore any affected property to its previous condition.

Fire damage restoration

Strong winds can cause trees or power lines to fall, leading to fires. SERVPRO has the expertise to restore fire-damaged properties, remove soot and smoke damage, and repairing any structural damage.

Mold remediation

Severe storms often cause moisture problems that lead to mold growth. SERVPRO offers mold remediation services, including cleaning and decontamination, to restore indoor air quality.

Reconstruction services

SERVPRO also provides full reconstruction services to rebuild affected residential and commercial properties.

What Makes SERVPRO Unique?

SERVPRO has a reputation for being a leader in the restoration and cleaning industry due to its technology, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction. They provide a range of services and have the resources to handle jobs of any size, from residential to large commercial properties. They utilize advanced equipment such as high-tech vacuums, air movers, and dehumidifiers to help dry and restore water-damaged areas, and their team of experts undergoes continuous training and certification to ensure quality workmanship. SERVPRO also aims to provide exceptional customer service, working with clients to assess their needs and find a personalized solution that best suits their situation.

SERVPRO plays an essential role in Colorado storm damage restoration, providing a comprehensive range of services that ensure affected properties are safe and habitable. Whether it is water damage, fire damage, mold remediation, or reconstruction services, SERVPRO professionals are available 24/7, providing fast and effective restoration services to get property owners back to their normal lives. By leveraging its technology, expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction, SERVPRO has helped countless individuals and businesses recover from the severe storms that hit Colorado, providing them with a sense of security and peace of mind.