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Does Your Building Have Any of These Common Sewage Problems?

7/27/2023 (Permalink)

A properly functioning sewage system is vital for the health and safety of any building. However, various issues can arise within a sewage system, leading to unpleasant odors, clogs, leaks, and potential health hazards. In this blog, we will highlight some of the common sewage problems that buildings may encounter. Identifying these issues early on can help prevent further damage, ensure proper sanitation, and protect the well-being of occupants.

Clogged Drains and Toilets

Clogged drains and toilets are among the most common sewage problems in buildings. They can occur due to the accumulation of debris, foreign objects, hair, grease, or even tree roots infiltrating the pipes. Slow-draining sinks, toilets that back up or overflow, and gurgling sounds from drains are indicators of a potential clog.

Sewer Line Blockages

Blockages in the main sewer line can affect the entire building's plumbing system. Common causes include flushing inappropriate items down the toilet, such as paper towels, sanitary products, or excessive amounts of toilet paper. Tree root intrusion, collapsed pipes, or sediment buildup can also contribute to sewer line blockages.

Sewer Line Leaks

Leaks in the sewer line can lead to foul odors, soggy areas on the property, or even sewer backups. Aging pipes, corrosion, shifting soil, or external damage can all contribute to sewer line leaks. It's crucial to address these issues promptly to prevent contamination and potential health risks.

Septic Tank Issues

For buildings with septic systems, several problems can arise. These include inadequate tank size, sludge buildup, blocked drain fields, or malfunctioning components. Signs of septic tank issues may include foul odors, slow drains, gurgling sounds, or sewage backups. Regular septic tank maintenance and inspections are essential to prevent problems.

Vent Pipe Blockages

Vent pipes are crucial for releasing sewer gases and maintaining proper pressure in the plumbing system. Blockages in vent pipes, typically caused by debris or animal nests, can result in foul odors within the building, slow drains, or gurgling sounds. Clearing vent pipe blockages is necessary to maintain proper sewage system functionality.

Sump Pump Failures

Buildings with basements or below-grade areas may rely on sump pumps to prevent water accumulation and flooding. A malfunctioning or failed sump pump can result in water backups, flooding, and potential sewage contamination. Regular maintenance and testing of sump pumps are necessary to ensure their effectiveness.

Awareness of common sewage problems in buildings is crucial for early detection and prompt resolution. Clogged drains and toilets, sewer line blockages, leaks, septic tank issues, vent pipe blockages, sump pump failures, and improperly installed plumbing fixtures are among the common issues to watch out for. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and addressing problems promptly through professional assistance can help ensure a healthy and functioning sewage system in your building. By prioritizing sewage system maintenance, you can maintain a safe and comfortable environment.

How to Find Out If You Live in a Flood Zone: Tips for Protecting Your Home and Property

6/28/2023 (Permalink)

Living in a flood zone can be a serious concern for homeowners, as flooding can cause significant damage to your property and pose a threat to your safety. It's important to know if your home is located in a flood zone so that you can take appropriate precautions and have the necessary insurance coverage. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips on how to find out if you live in a flood zone.

Check the FEMA Flood Map

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maintains a flood map that can be accessed online. This map provides information about flood zones across the country, including high-risk areas that require flood insurance. To find out if your home is located in a flood zone, simply enter your address into the search bar on the FEMA Flood Map website.

Consult Your Local Government

Your local government can provide information about flood zones in your area. You can contact your city or county government to find out if your home is located in a flood zone. They can also provide information about flood insurance and other flood-related concerns.

Hire a Professional

If you are unsure about whether your home is located in a flood zone, you can hire a professional to conduct a flood risk assessment. A flood risk assessment can help identify areas of your property that are at risk of flooding and provide recommendations for flood prevention measures.

Check Flood Insurance Requirements

If you are purchasing a home, your lender may require you to purchase flood insurance if your home is located in a high-risk flood zone. You can check with your lender to find out if flood insurance is required for your property. Even if flood insurance is not required, it may be a good idea to purchase it as a precautionary measure.

Look for Signs of Previous Flooding

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, there may be signs of previous flooding in your neighborhood. Look for water marks on buildings and trees, as well as erosion and sediment buildup. These signs can indicate that your property is at risk of flooding.

It's also important to note that flood zones can change over time due to changes in weather patterns, development, and other factors. It's a good idea to check for updates to the FEMA Flood Map periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes to the flood zone in your area. Additionally, even if your home is not located in a high-risk flood zone, it's still possible for flooding to occur due to heavy rainfall, storm surges, or other factors. Taking proactive measures such as installing flood barriers, elevating appliances and electronics, and keeping important documents in a waterproof safe can help protect your property in the event of a flood. By staying informed about flood risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can help minimize the damage that flooding can cause to your home and property.

In conclusion, finding out if you live in a flood zone is an important step in protecting your property and ensuring your safety. By checking the FEMA Flood Map, consulting your local government, hiring a professional, checking flood insurance requirements, and looking for signs of previous flooding, you can determine whether your home is located in a flood zone and take appropriate precautions. If you do live in a flood zone, it's important to have a flood preparedness plan in place and consider purchasing flood insurance to protect your property.

Factors That Affect the Timeline for Mold Removal: What You Need to Know

5/30/2023 (Permalink)

Mold growth in homes and buildings can be a serious problem, not just aesthetically but also because it can lead to structural damage. The process of mold removal is often seen as a daunting and time-consuming task, and clients are usually curious about how long the entire process will take. In this blog post, we will discuss how long one should expect mold removal to take and the factors that can impact the timeline.

Factors that affect mold removal timelines

The time required for mold remediation depends on various factors such as the extent of the mold growth, the type of mold, the location of the mold, the size of the affected area, and the method of removal. Below we have outlined some of the factors that can impact the timeline of mold removal.

The extent of mold growth

The amount of mold growth in the building is one of the most significant factors that affect the time required for mold removal. If the mold growth is confined to a small area, the remediation process may be completed in a few days. However, if the mold growth is widespread throughout the building, the remediation process can take several weeks to complete.

Type of mold

Different types of mold require different remediation methods, which can impact the timeline of the remediation process. For instance, some types of mold, such as black mold, require special equipment and techniques to remove safely. As a result, removing black mold can take longer than other types of mold.

Location of mold

The location of the mold can also affect the time required for mold removal. Mold that is present in easily accessible areas, such as the walls or ceilings, can be removed more quickly than mold that is located in hard-to-reach areas, such as crawl spaces or attics.

Size of the affected area

The size of the affected area is also a crucial factor that can impact the timeline of the mold removal process. Larger areas will take longer to clean and remediate, which can impact the overall timeline.

Method of removal

The method of removal used can also affect the time required for mold remediation. For instance, if a mold remediation company uses a chemical treatment to remove the mold, it may take longer than if they use a mechanical method, such as dry ice blasting.

How long should I expect mold removal to take?

Based on the factors discussed above, it is difficult to provide a definitive timeline for mold removal. However, in most cases, mold remediation can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete. If the mold growth is extensive or if the mold is in hard-to-reach areas, the remediation process can take longer. Similarly, if the type of mold requires special equipment or techniques, the remediation process may also take longer.

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Mold Remediation Company for Safe and Effective Removal

Mold remediation is a crucial process that requires professional expertise and equipment to ensure that it is done safely and effectively. The length of time required for mold removal will depend on various factors such as the extent of the mold growth, the type of mold, the location of the mold, the size of the affected area, and the method of removal. If you suspect that your home or business has mold growth, it is essential to contact a professional mold remediation company to assess the situation and provide an estimate of the time required for mold removal.

Securing Your Building After a Fire: Tips and Strategies for Safety and Peace of Mind

4/13/2023 (Permalink)

Fire safety is a serious concern for everyone, and the dangers of fire are well-documented. If you have ever been in a building that has caught fire, you know how frightening it can be. In addition to the obvious threat of injury or death from burning wood or other materials, smoke inhalation can also be deadly if not treated quickly enough by trained professionals.

To help keep your building secure after a fire has occurred, it's important to understand why fires happen in the first place--and then take steps to prevent them from happening again!

Immediate Steps After a Fire

After a fire, it's important to take immediate steps to secure your building.

  • Call the fire department.
  • Contact your insurance company and let them know what happened so they can send out their adjuster right away.
  • Contact a reputable fire damage restoration service that can begin cleaning up and drying out your building as soon as possible (and before mold starts growing).

Assessing the Damage

Once the fire is out and you have a chance to assess the damage, there are several things to look for. Inspect the building for structural damage: If you can see that your building has been damaged by water or smoke, it's important to call in an expert right away. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that mold will grow and cause further damage.

Inspect the building for water damage: Water can cause extensive damage if not removed quickly; however, this process can be tricky because too much moisture can lead to mold growth as well! Make sure that all areas are dried out completely before moving on with repairs or renovations so as not to invite these problems into your space again later down the line (or worse yet--into your home).

Repairing the Damage

Hire a fire damage restoration company. A professional company will be able to assess the damage and offer advice on how to repair it, as well as provide any necessary equipment or materials.

Replace damaged building materials such as carpeting, drywall, insulation and wood floors. Repair any electrical or plumbing systems that were damaged by smoke or water during the firefighting process (or both).

Preventing Future Fires

Smoke detectors. These are the most basic and important fire-prevention tools you can have in your building. They're also relatively inexpensive, so there's no excuse not to have them installed! Check them regularly (at least once a month) and replace batteries when necessary.

Fire extinguishers. You should have at least one fire extinguisher on every floor of your building, preferably near exits or other areas where fires could start easily (like kitchens). Make sure everyone knows how to use them correctly--and make sure they know where they are!

Protecting Against Vandalism

Install security cameras. If you have a large building, it's a good idea to install security cameras. This will help deter vandalism and other crimes in your building.

Install motion-activated lights. Motion-activated lights are another way to deter crime in your building, especially if they are placed around entrances and exits where people may try to break in or steal something from your store or office space.

Protecting Against Theft

Install locks on all doors and windows. Consider using a safe to store valuable items, like passports, jewelry and cash. Install an alarm system in your building if you can't install other security measures (such as cameras) or if it's too expensive to do so.

Protecting Against Natural Disasters

Secure the building's roof. Roofs can be weakened by fire, wind, or water damage. If you are able to repair or replace your roof after a fire, make sure to use materials that are rated for high winds and other natural disasters.

Reinforce the building's foundation. Make sure there are no cracks in the walls or floors of your structure that could allow water to seep in during heavy rains or flooding events; if necessary, install flood barriers around doors and windows so they don't get damaged when water flows over them during storms (or floods).

Consider installing storm shutters on windows that face east-west--these will help protect against strong winds blowing through open windows during hurricanes/tropical storms!

Water loss are the most common business interruption

3/13/2023 (Permalink)

Water loss is a big problem for businesses. Water damage accounts for 33% of all business interruptions and losses, according to the Insurance Information Institute. There are many ways that water loss can affect your business. You may not see it coming and might not think about how much it costs until after it happens. This article will explain why you should be worried about water damage and how you can protect your business from this type of disaster.

Water damage affects a large portion of business

Water damage is a common cause of business interruption, and it can happen anywhere. Water loss is often difficult to estimate in advance, making it difficult for businesses to determine how much insurance they need. However, insurance companies can help with these claims by providing coverage that's more flexible than traditional policies.

The cost of water loss can be hard to estimate.

Water damage can cost a lot of money, but how much is it really? How much will it cost you if your pipes burst or you have a leak in your roof? It's not always easy to know how much water damage has been done and what kind of repairs will be needed after an event like this happens. If there are multiple leaks in different parts of your building, it's difficult for property managers or owners to tell which one is causing most damage until they've had time to look around carefully at all areas where water might be entering through cracks or holes in the walls/ceilings above them

Water damage can happen anywhere.

Water damage can happen anywhere. The office, warehouse, factory or even on a construction site. Water damage is caused by a leaky pipe or a burst pipe that has been neglected for years. The other cause of water damage is flooding or heavy rain storms where there is no protection from the elements and all your hard work gets washed away in an instant.

Insurance companies can help with business interruption claims.

Business interruption insurance is a type of business insurance that covers the cost of lost income due to a disaster. Business interruption claims can be complicated and require thorough documentation, so it's important to work with an experienced agent who knows how to make sure you get what you're entitled to.

Protection of Fire Sprinklers

There are many ways for businesses to protect themselves from water loss and other effects of water damage. One of the most common means of preventing a disaster is through the use of fire sprinkler systems. These systems can be installed in any building, regardless of its size or shape. They have been proven to be effective at controlling fires in both residential and commercial properties, as well as industrial facilities like factories and warehouses.

Water alarms are another popular option for preventing water damage during an emergency situation like a natural disaster or fire. Unlike sprinkler systems they do not automatically activate when they detect moisture levels above a certain threshold (for example: 10% relative humidity). Instead they require human intervention in order to activate which makes them less effective than other options available on today's market.

Water damage can be devastating to any business, but it's important to remember that there are ways to protect yourself from this risk. You can purchase insurance coverage for your business and make sure that you have an emergency plan in place in case of water loss or other types of damage. If you are concerned about how much water damage costs and want more information about what type of coverage may be right for your company, contact us today!

4 Common Reasons for Hot Water Heater Leaks

2/13/2023 (Permalink)

A hot water heater leak can be a real hassle. It can cause damage to your home and not to mention the inconvenience of having to call a plumber out to repair it. Hot water heaters generally don’t have many moving parts or components, which makes them relatively straightforward machines. But if you notice that your hot water heater is leaking then there are several things that could have caused it and they all need to be taken into consideration.

Water Connections Aren't Functioning

If your water heater is leaking and you don’t know why, look at the water connections. The supply line (where the hot water comes in), drain valve (where used water flows out), and temperature/pressure relief valve (that allows excess pressure to release when it gets too high) are all potential reasons for leaks in your tank.

If these connections are old, damaged, or improperly installed, leakage can occur as a result of wear-and-tear or corrosion that has taken place over time.

Loose Gaskets

Gaskets are rubber rings that seal the water tank to the hot water tank. They can become loose over time and require replacement, but if your gasket is still in good shape, you can try tightening it yourself with pliers or a wrench. Before doing so, make sure that there's no other problem with your hot water heater (such as clogs or a faulty thermostat). If all else fails, you might need to call a professional plumber for help.

Damaged Drain Valve

A damaged or loose drain valve can cause water to leak out of the tank. To check whether this is the cause of your leak, look for water pooling underneath the tank. To fix a damaged drain valve, you will need to flush your entire water heater and then clean any debris or buildup that has accumulated around the valve. If this doesn't stop the leak, your best bet is to call a professional to help replace the drain valve entirely.

Damaged Water Tank

If you find that your water heater is leaking, it’s possible that the tank itself is damaged. Some of the most common signs of a leaking tank include:

  • Cracked or damaged tank
  • Leaking from bottom
  • Leaking from top
  • Leaking from side
  • Excessive sediment buildup (that cannot be properly cleaned)

In most cases, leaks can be fixed by simply tightening a connection or replacing a gasket. In more serious cases, you may need to replace the whole water heater. If you’re having trouble identifying what parts of your hot water heater are leaking, contact a licensed service professional who can help identify the source of your problem and make repairs properly.

What You Need to Know About Mold

1/19/2023 (Permalink)

Mold growing on floor. Mold is a problem that you could possibly solve yourself, but it's best left to the professionals.

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow indoors and outdoors. It is commonly found in damp or humid areas and can cause problems for some people. Mold can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, floors, and ceilings, and can appear in various colors, such as black, green, or white. It is important to address mold growth promptly to prevent further growth and potential issues.

Mold is everywhere: in homes, offices, schools, and even outdoors. Mold can grow almost anywhere that there is moisture—even on clothes in your closet! And since mold spores are microscopic and float through the air, they can be found just about anywhere you go.

Here are some things to know about mold:

Mold’s Smell

While mold does have a distinct smell, it can vary from person to person and even from home to home. Some people are more sensitive than others, and some may not notice the smell at all.

Some common smells include:

  • Mildew/earthy
  • Bleach-like
  • Paint-like (sweet) or vinegar-like (musty) odor (more common with Aspergillus species)

Bleach & Mold

You've probably seen or heard this advice: if you want to get rid of mold, just spray the area with bleach and let it sit for a few hours. You might even have done it yourself. But does bleach kill mold? Can you use it safely in your Longmont, CO home?

The short answer is no—bleach does not kill mold on soft surfaces like drywall and fabric, which can be damaged by bleach. In fact, using chlorine-based bleach on these materials will only make the problem worse by releasing harmful toxins into the air that are more likely to cause problems than removing mold growth. 

Hidden Mold

While it's true that mold often begins to grow inside a home and then spreads outward, many types of mold can grow in places where you don't expect them, including dark corners and places you don't often visit and clean. Mold can also form behind the walls, especially if there was some water damage.

Testing for Mold

If you’re worried about the presence of mold in your home, you can purchase a test kit at your local hardware store. However, these kits are not always accurate and can be expensive. Many professional mold testing companies offer free consultation services to help determine whether or not there is a problem with contamination.

Call the Professionals at SERVPRO of Longmont

Mold is a problem that you could possibly solve yourself, but it's best left to the professionals. If you find mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Longmont to remediate your home and get you back to normal. We know the proper techniques to remediate mold safely and effectively.

Is Mold Inspection Required Before Remediation?

12/22/2022 (Permalink)

Is Mold Inspection Required Before Remediation?

Mold is a type of fungus that can grow in homes and other buildings. While it’s often associated with damp, dark places like basements and crawl spaces, it can also be found on drywall and insulation. If you suspect your Longmont, CO home has mold or want to know whether there are any visible signs of the problem before remediation takes place, you should hire a professional for a mold inspection first.

Mold Inspection Before Remediation

Mold inspection is important because it can help you determine the extent of your mold problem, and whether there are any other underlying issues that need to be addressed. If you don’t know how far-reaching your mold problem is, it could lead to an overreaction and additional costs on remediation efforts.

Mold Inspection Basics

A mold inspection is a comprehensive visual and air sampling analysis of your home, performed by a certified professional. During a mold inspection, the inspector will conduct an initial walk-through with you to identify problems that may be contributing to moisture issues in your home. Areas such as windows, doors and walls are inspected for water ingress or other factors that may be causing moisture buildup within the structure.

The inspector will also make note of any visible signs of mold growth on your property: discolored areas on interior surfaces; small black spots (aka colonies) on hard surfaces like wood paneling or drywall; musty odors emanating from rooms; etc.

If there are obvious signs of mold growth inside your home during this initial walkthrough then additional steps may be necessary before remediation can proceed—such as removing contaminated materials from the area being treated—but otherwise, most inspections should only take about 30 minutes at most.

In addition to identifying problem areas where moisture has built up within the house itself, inspectors can also check for high humidity levels outside so that you know if it's necessary to install ventilation systems near windows or doors.

Finding the Right Company for the Job

As you search for the right company to help you with your mold problems, it's important to keep in mind that not all companies are alike. The best way to find a reputable company is by asking for references from past clients. 

Another way of doing this is by checking out reviews online. When choosing the right professional for your job, consider these factors:

  • Experience in mold remediation - A good contractor will have experience with dealing with molds and should be able to provide references from previous jobs they've done. If a company has been working in this industry for many years, then they're likely more knowledgeable and skilled than one that just started recently.
  • Reputation - Reputation matters when it comes time choosing a contractor! You want someone who has built up an excellent reputation over time so that you know who they are and what kind of work they do before even contacting them. Otherwise there's no way of knowing whether or not their services will even meet expectations at all! There may also be benefits associated with using an established business rather than one still trying build its customer base.

Molds can cause serious issues and should be taken care of as soon as they are found.

Many people are surprised to learn that mold is a fungus. However, it is important to know what this means for your home and its inhabitants.

Mold grows on organic matter, which can include anything from paper products to trees. When you find mold growth in your home, there is usually an item nearby that has become wet or damp enough for the spores to grow on it, such as a basement wall or even a carpet pad. Mold damage can be costly to repair because it damages not only furniture but also walls and ceilings as well.

If you have any concerns about finding mold in your home, we encourage you not to delay in contacting our professional team of certified inspectors today!

It’s important to know that it is not always dangerous. If you are concerned about the presence of mold in your Longmont, CO home or office, the best thing to do is hire an expert who can inspect your property and give you an honest answer about whether or not remediation is necessary. If you need mold remediation in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Longmont.

What Is Category Three Water Damage?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

What Is Category Three Water Damage?

When you have experienced water damage in your Longmont, CO home, it's important to know how to properly handle it. Water damage can be a devastating experience for any homeowner. Whether the problem is due to an overflowing toilet, a burst pipe in the kitchen or a leaky roof, it’s important to know that there are qualified professionals who are ready to help with any type of water damage situation.

This is especially true if the water damage has become unsanitary and requires professional mitigation and restoration. If you're wondering what exactly category three water damage is, read on!

May Be Unsanitary

You may not be able to determine if a water damage is category three. But you can call an expert for help, who will tell you whether it's safe to stay in your home and what you need to do next.

When it comes to any kind of water damage, don't hesitate to call an expert—they'll be able to guide you through the process and keep your family safe until repairs are finished.

Often Referred To As Black Water

Black water is a term that describes the presence of sewage in the damaged property. It can be caused by a variety of factors, but one common cause is flooding from a blocked toilet or drain line. The presence of harmful bacteria and viruses in black water can be dangerous and requires professional expertise to mitigate and clean properly.

Require Professional Care

Category three water damage is unsanitary and requires professional mitigation and restoration. Water damage restoration is a specialized field that requires training and experience to perform effectively. A trained professional can mitigate the damage, protect your property from further damage, protect yourself and others on your property, and restore your home or business to preloss condition.

When it comes to handling category three water damage, the expertise of a trained professional is almost always required. Category three water damage can be extremely expensive and time-consuming for homeowners, but there are ways you can save yourself some money if you're willing to do a little research.

If you have any questions about how to prevent category three water damage at home or would like more information about what needs to be done after having category 3 water damage, contact us today!

SERVPRO of Longmont Can Help!

If your home or business suffers from water damage, especially if it originated from a flood or sewage loss, it is crucial to call your local water mitigation experts for assistance. SERVPRO of Longmont is highly trained and experienced in category 3 water damage cleanup and restoration. If you have any questions or are in need of emergency water cleanup services, don’t hesitate and give our SERVPRO team a call today!

Do I need fire insurance for my building?

10/10/2022 (Permalink)

Is Fire Insurance Required For My Building?

Fire insurance is a type of property insurance that covers the cost of damage to your Mead, CO building, its contents, and surrounding structures. This type of coverage is important for any business owner, but it's especially vital if your building has some sort of fire vulnerability, such as an electrical or gas system. Fire insurance also protects against water damage caused by floods or leaks.

What Is Fire Insurance?

Fire insurance is a form of property insurance that protects the insured against financial losses caused by fire. Property damage and business interruption are two key coverages that are included in standard fire policies. The policyholder can choose whether to include other coverage options, such as personal property loss or additional living expenses.

Fire policies typically pay for:

  • Cost of fire restoration (the cost to repair or replace damaged structures)
  • Loss of inventory from a preventable cause occurring during a covered period (if the policyholder maintains adequate security)

How to file a fire claim

If you have suffered a fire in your building, here are the steps to take:

  • Call your property insurance company. The adjuster will come out, assess the damage, and give you an estimate for repairs.
  • Get a fire restoration specialist to help with cleanup (removing soot from walls and ceiling) if needed.
  • Make sure that all your possessions are covered by smoke damage coverage!

Step 1: Contact your insurance provider.

After you contact the fire department, it is important to contact your insurance provider. They will be able to give you more details about what the next steps are and whether they cover any of the damage that has occurred.

If you have an insurance claim reference number (if not given by your provider, ask for one), then call up your fire restoration specialist and tell them what happened. At SERVPRO, they will handle the entire claims process from start to finish. They will also send out an adjuster to inspect the damage and assess if there is any threat left behind from smoke or other toxic gases that could cause further problems in nearby homes/buildings or affect the air quality.

Step 2: Contact a fire restoration specialist.

Once you’ve contacted your insurance provider, find a reputable fire restoration specialist, such as SERVPRO. It is easy to find them online by searching for “Fire Restoration Company Near Me” or similar terms. It is important to look for a company that has the training, experience, and equipment necessary to handle a fire loss. Fire damage can be difficult to clean up, and requires trained professionals in order to be done correctly.

Step 3: Determine the extent of the damage.

The next step in the process is to determine the extent of the damage. This can be a difficult task, as it may not be immediately apparent how much water was used to put out a fire or how much smoke damage there was. It's important that you document this process as soon as possible so that you can present it to your insurance company later. The more extensive your documentation and a photographic record is, the better prepared you'll be if there are any disputes over what happened during an incident. Luckily, when you call a company such as SERVPRO, we take care of this entire process for you. From start to finish our adjusters and technicians will document the damage and progress through restoration.

Step 4: Initiate the recovery process.

Once your fire insurance claim has been accepted, you can begin the recovery process. This begins with removing smoke and soot from the air, which is important to prevent further damage from occurring. You'll also want to begin cleaning up any water damage caused by hoses used by firefighters during their response efforts. It's important not to throw away any damaged items until they are assessed by an adjuster or other representative of your insurance company; otherwise, you may needlessly be denied compensation for those items later in the claims process.

If you’re in the process of buying fire insurance, it’s important to understand what the policy covers and how much coverage you need. This article gives a few tips on how to do that and outlines what steps should be taken after a fire has occurred.

How To Detect Common Causes of Bathtub and Shower Leaks

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

How To Detect Common Causes of Bathtub and Shower Leaks

Few aspects of homeownership are as frustrating to manage as a leak. When you suspect a shower or bathtub leak at your home in Berthoud, CO, you may wonder how to pinpoint the elusive cause of this potentially damaging problem. You can track down common leak causes by knowing where to look:

Check Your Shower or Bathtub Faucet
Slow faucet leaks are a common problem that many people ignore, not realizing the complications they can cause, including:

  • Corrosion of parts subjected to constant water drips
  • Staining of a bathtub's surface
  • Higher water bills from unnecessary water flow

Replacing a faulty washer usually stops a faucet leak, but sometimes it is necessary to replace the entire faucet if too many of its parts are worn.

Check Your Bathtub's Surface
Bathtub leaks can happen when damage to fiberglass or acrylic surfaces causes leaks that may not be visible immediately. If you suspect your bathtub has a crack, fill it with water and look for bubbling in spots that could indicate the damaged area. Eventually, you will also see water pooling on the bathtub's outer surface and the floor beneath it. Some bathtubs' sealants can wear away over time, leading to similar consequences and potential water damage.

Check Your Shower Floor for Water Pooling

A waterproof liner, or shower pan, exists below your shower's floor to capture water seeping through the tiles and direct it down the drain. If the liner becomes pierced, excess water does not drain. Instead, it can leak through the underlying foundation and make its way to the rooms below your bathroom, where it can damage the ceilings. Mold can form after a shower pan leak, and you may require a mold remediation company's services to sanitize your space and prevent further damage.

Flooding caused by a bathtub leak can have severe consequences for your home in Longmont, CO, but a professional flood restoration service can handle the cleanup.

The 3 Best Sandbag Alternatives

8/21/2022 (Permalink)

Sandbag Alternatives

Sandbags are an old-fashioned flooding management solution. Each sandbag is messy to fill without specialized equipment and is only suitable for one-time use after coming into contact with contaminated water. Check out three reusable sandbag alternatives that are easier and faster to maneuver into place and may be more effective at blocking flood water.

1. Absorbent Barriers
Several manufacturers make porous alternatives to sandbags. These flat bags absorb water and swell to create a barrier that blocks the flow of water. Absorbent barriers have the advantage of being the most lightweight and easy to store flood control method. It is possible to deploy these barriers in a matter of minutes. Some manufacturers guarantee that barriers can be used to block water for months. Some absorbent barriers can be dried out and reused.

2. Water-Filled Barriers
Nonporous water-filled flood dams are another reusable solution. This type of barrier requires some preparation, as it is necessary to use a hose to fill these cofferdams with clean water. These barriers can be left standing as long as necessary to limit flood damage before being emptied, cleaned, stored, and reused.

3. Flood-Proof Fencing
Another popular sandbag alternative is fencing designed to stand up to flood water. Flood fencing can create a higher barrier than other water-filled barriers. The setup time for this fencing may exceed water-filled cofferdams and other sandbag alternatives, but should be easier than filling and stacking large quantities of sandbags. Though this flood control equipment is costly, it can keep an entire property or area from flooding.

Each of these sandbag alternatives is useful for certain applications. If you own commercial property in Lyons, CO, you may want to invest in one or more solutions for controlling flooding. Buildings in flood zones may benefit from using any of this equipment to reduce the severity of storm damage.

3 Tips for Reduction of Odors From Water Damage

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Cuts performed on drywall Flood cuts after storm damage in Niwot, CO.

Ways To Reduce The Unpleasant Odor From Water Damage

Even after you or a professional cleanup and restoration service from Niwot, CO has removed any standing flood water from your building, there might be disagreeable smells. They may be the result of sewage loss from pipes or the street, mold growth from leftover moisture or bacteria carried in by gray water or black water. There are some actions that can help reduce or eliminate the unpleasant odors that arise from water damage.

1. Make Sure Everything Is Actually Dry
Any excess moisture can serve as a breeding ground for mold growth and mildew. The microorganisms emit musty scents akin to dirty socks or dirt as they progress through different stages of development. It can also harbor stink-producing bacteria. It is important to remove as much water as possible by opening windows, wringing out or trashing soaked textiles, drying off surfaces, and using fans and dehumidifiers.

2. Use Common Remedies
If the smell clings to a room, there are certain substances you can place in open containers around it to try and absorb the odor from the air, including:

  • Cat litter
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda

These are available for purchase at many general stores or shopping centers and have deodorizing capabilities. Baking soda can also be sprinkled on carpet, rugs or fabric-covered office furniture and vacuumed up to remove both liquid and nasty fragrances.

3. Disinfect Affected Surfaces
Sanitizing anything the water has touched can help ward off or kill mold in its beginning stages. Even if there is none visible, it might already have begun to release spores and infect porous materials. While bleach may seem like the obvious choice of cleanser, it generally only affects surface mold, not the filamentous roots or spores. Vinegar and warm water solution or soap and warm water mixture will prove more effective at removing the fungus.
While floods often lead to less than pleasant odors due to factors like mold growth and bacteria, the smells can be completely removed or at least mitigated. There are also professionals trained at disaster cleanup you can contact.

The SERVPRO Fire Restoration Process

7/25/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO green vehicle Fire restoration in Erie, CO

Fire Restoration Process

A fire can easily destroy a commercial property in Erie, CO. Even if the building survives the blaze, the business owners may have to spend thousands of dollars on fire restoration services. This could be a death knell for a small company.
That is why insurance adjusters are tasked with keeping the costs of repairs as low as possible. You can do this by picking a company such as SERVPRO that provides both restoration and mitigation services.

Fire Repair

The process begins when a business contacts SERVPRO's National Customer Care Center. The facility is open 24 hours a day, even on weekends and holidays. From there, professionals will arrive at the scene and perform the following:

  • Damage assessment
  • Tarping and board-up services
  • Water removal
  • Cleaning of soot and smoke
  • Sanitizing
  • Restoration

As part of the fire rebuild, SERVPRO will also use fogging equipment and industrial air scrubbers to remove any excess odors. In the end, the property will look the way it did before the blaze.

Competitive Advantages

This fire restoration process gives your clients numerous competitive advantages. First of all, SERVPRO understands that restoration often costs less than replacement. That is why the company always pretests the items in damaged buildings. The experts can thus determine which assets are salvageable.
SERVPRO also provides an itemized list of the lost belongings. This will make the claims process go more smoothly.

Reliable Vendor

As an insurance adjuster, you are tasked with understanding each client's policy and handling the claim accordingly. You shouldn’t have to waste energy dealing with vendor issues.

SERVPRO provides trustworthy and immediate rebuilding services. You will also receive an electronic file from the restoration professionals within hours of your first call. The file will include a cost estimate along with photos of the damage and any necessary paperwork. This lets you focus on your duties and keep track of the work being performed.

SERVPRO is a leader in the fire restoration industry. You can thus count on the company to serve your clients after a disaster.

How to Effectively Stop a Grease Fire From Spreading

7/14/2022 (Permalink)

What Can Be Done To Prevent A Grease Fire From Spreading?

It’s something most people don’t expect to experience, but a grease fire is a dangerous situation that can happen to anyone, including experienced cooks. If you ever end up dealing with the unfortunate situation of having this type of fire in your home in Erie, CO, there are three steps you should follow to effectively stop it from spreading any further.

1. Cover your pot with a metal lid. If the grease fire is just starting inside a pot or pan on the stove, you may have time to put a stop to it before it spreads to the other burners and to other areas of your home. Grab a metal lid belonging to one of the pots or pans you’re using and quickly place it on top of the pot.

2. Turn the stove burners off. After you’ve covered the pot with a metal lid, make sure to turn the burners off. If you leave the burners on, the pot will continue to stay hot, and that may cause the fire to spread out of control. The goal is to shut everything off before it has any time to spread throughout the home.

3. Call for help to keep the fire from spreading. If covering the pot with a metal lid and turning the burners off hasn’t helped and you can see the grease fire spreading to other areas of the stove, call for help. You shouldn’t waste any time contacting firefighters.

Any fire is dangerous, but one caused by grease can spread quickly. Knowing how to protect yourself if you’re ever in that situation in Erie, CO, is important for your safety as well as the overall protection of your home. You must act quickly to cover the pot, turn the stove off, and call for help to keep the fire from spreading out of control and causing serious damage.

6 Steps for Cleaning Up Sewer Damage

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

6 Steps To Getting Rid Of Sewer Damage

A persistent clog or the smell of sewer gas tells you that you have a problem with the plumbing in your commercial building. If you don’t fix it, it could turn into a bigger problem that requires sewer cleanup. Sewage remediation experts are trained to complete the cleaning process from start to finish. Here are the six steps they typically follow.

1. Area Containment

Before they deal with the mess, the experts will likely take measures to ensure that it doesn’t spread to unaffected areas. This may involve sealing off the area where the sewer backup occurred and not allowing anyone to enter it who isn’t wearing the appropriate protective gear.

2. Sewage Extraction

Cleaning can’t happen until the contaminated water and detritus have been removed and disposed of safely. Technicians pump the standing water out, removing any debris or particles that came out of the flooded toilet with it.

3. Material Removal

Anything the contaminated water touches must be taken out of the building. This includes all furniture, office equipment, and documents as well as walls, floors, and ceiling tiles that were affected.

4. Surface Extraction

All surfaces must be thoroughly dried during sewer cleanup. The sooner this can happen, the less likely it is that your building will develop a mold problem.

5. Surface Disinfection

Using industrial-strength cleaners, technicians thoroughly disinfect every surface that came into contact with the contamination. After cleaning, the area is tested to make sure all traces of the germs from the sewer water are gone.

6. Area Restoration

The items that can be salvaged are cleaned and returned to the building. The items that cannot be saved must be replaced.

Experts in Longmont, CO, should be called at the first sign that you need sewer cleanup. Don’t ignore the signs that your building may be contaminated. A speedy cleanup process helps you get back to business.

How Do I Know When It Is Time to Replace A Toilet?

7/1/2022 (Permalink)

What Are the Signs That It's Time To Replace My Toilet?

Toilets are highly reliable bathroom appliances that can last up to 15 years in Lyons, CO.  Throughout the course of its life, it may need smaller repairs, such as:

  • Float adjusting
  • Fixing broken chains
  • Changing the flapper

If it is so reliable, how do you know when it is time to replace a toilet? A leaking toilet is not always a sign that it needs to be replaced. Here are a few indications that fixing a toilet's parts will not be sufficient.

There are Cracks in the Ceramic Toilet

If your toilet has cracks, you may need to replace it entirely. When they are noticed in time, cracks can be filled before they spread. Cracks that spread and begin to leak, however, are irreparable and are an indication that the entire toilet should be replaced. If the leak has caused substantial water damage to your property, contact a water damage restoration service to help clean it up and restore your property.

The Toilet is Old

The durability of a toilet can be a con if it means your toilet is too old. Regulations for toilets have changed over the years. You should replace an old toilet if it is over 25 years in age to meet the regulation of 1.6 gallons per flush.

Parts Continue to Break

If you find yourself having to continuously replace toilet parts, it may be a sign that it has reached the end of its lifespan. Likewise, a crack on your toilet that spreads even after you have filled it is a clear sign that you should replace your toilet. A leaking toilet that does not stop spreading water to your floor is a hazard and should be replaced.

A leaking toilet can have many causes and should be addressed to prevent water damage to your property. Whether you need toilet repair or replacement services, contact a plumber to get the job done.

Can Items Be Saved After a Fire?

6/27/2022 (Permalink)

Truck from a restoration company If your business suffers from a fire loss, give our SERVPRO team a call. We have the experience and equipment needed to restore your business.

Is It Possible To Save Items After A Fire?

One of the hardest things about experiencing a fire in Longmont, CO can be the loss of personal belongings. Walls and floors can be repaired, a roof replaced and plumbing and electrical redone. The contents of the building, however, can have meaning and personal attachment that makes them difficult to do without. Dry-cleaning and other techniques can be used to save many items.

What Methods are Used to Clean Contents?

There are several methods that can be effective depending on the material the items are made up of. Here are a few of the favored content cleaning choices:

  • Dry-cleaning — For clothing and draperies and fabrics with soot stains
  • Laundering – For other fabric items not contaminated with soot
  • Cleaning with detergent – metal and hard surfaces
  • Shampooing – Carpet my possibly be cleaned this way if the damage is only from smoke
  • Ultrasonic treatment – This method works well for many non-porous materials

Cleaning and Storage

The first two options are best for cleaning smoke and odors from clothing and fabric items that suffered soot stains in the fire. You may also be able to save draperies, sheets and bedding and bathroom linens this way.

A soapy wash with an anti-bacterial detergent may help save some of your washable items like dishes, glassware, and surfaces like laminate or tile. For non-porous items, a dip in an ultrasonic unit can loosen and break up soot and smoke residue. They should be thoroughly cleaned to remove stains and odors.

Content cleaning is a particular process best handled by fire restoration professionals. Using the wrong method can cause permanent damage. Professionals in Longmont, CO know what works best to salvage anything possible. In some cases, cleaned items may be put into content storage to protect them from becoming contaminated until restoration is complete.

If a fire disaster happens, get help that understands the way dry-cleaning and other methods can help save your content. They can help make it “Like it never even happened.”

4 Reasons to Open a SERVPRO Franchise

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle with large fonts Like it never even happened SERVPRO of Longmont is here to make things "Like it never even happened"

Four Reasons to Start a SERVPRO Franchise

If you are looking for a local business that helps serve the Niwot, CO, community, then a SERVPRO franchise may be ideal. SERVPRO has been in business since 1967 and has helped numerous franchise owners establish successful companies. Several features set SERVPRO above its competition.

1. Certified Pathogen Removal

During the Covid-19 pandemic, SERVPRO coupled its decades-long cleaning experience with the decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This fusion of industry expertise resulted in a biohazard remediation program that helps people feel safe returning to public spaces.

2. Comprehensive Training Program

SERVPRO offers some of the best training in the restoration and remediation industry. Each franchisee has the opportunity to travel to headquarters in Gallatin, Tennessee to undergo initial training. During the initial training, franchisees learn about industry standards in restoration and remediation services and how to lead a successful SERVPRO business. SERVPRO continues to offer ongoing support to each locally-owned franchise throughout the life of the business.

3. Brand Recognition

There are more than 2,000 SERVPRO franchise owners across the country, each location helping to provide brand name recognition across the United States. Since all locations receive the same training, SERVPRO carries one of the best reputations in the industry, along with preferred status with many insurance companies.

4. Industry Awards

In the restoration category, SERVPRO ranked number eight in Entrepreneur's list of best franchises for 2022. In previous years, SERVPRO has ranked among the top ten in Forbes, and Dun and Bradstreet.

Since SERVPRO has such an outstanding reputation and is well-known for its quality service, owning a SERVPRO franchise can quickly put your business ahead of your local competition. SERVPRO is also well-suited to excel in future markets, thanks in large part to its cleaning program that complies with all CDC guidelines.

3 Things To Know About Category 1 Water Damage

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

3 Things To Keep In Mind When Dealing With Category 1 Water Damage

There are three distinct categories of water damage that can affect any business. These are based on the contamination level of the water and consist of clean water (Category 1), grey water (Category 2), and black water (Category 3). Here's what you should know if your Longmont, CO, business is impacted by Category 1 water damage.  

1. Per Its Name, Clean Water Comes From a Sanitary Source

Category 1 water damage involves water from a sanitary source. This can include flooding from a water supply line, broken pipe, toilet tank, rainwater, or melted snow or ice. This is also the case with an overflow toilet bowl, but only if there is no waste in the water. 

2. Category 1 Water Damage Can Worsen If Left Untreated

Just because the water source is deemed sanitary at first doesn't mean it can't become contaminated. It is vital to let a water damage restoration company address the issue right away to prevent the water from transitioning to Category 2, which features bacteria, mold or viruses. The problem could evolve into the dangerous Category 3 in severe cases. Be mindful of strong odors that may set in, as this could indicate you are no longer dealing with a Category 1 situation.  

3. Action Should Be Taken To Minimize Damage

Clean water damage can still do a number on any commercial space. Therefore, it's crucial to act quickly to extract the water, secure important items to a safe location, and dry the space thoroughly to prevent molding or structural issues. 

If you are dealing with Category 1 water damage,  requires quick treatment to minimize further harm and damage. 

3 Alternatives to Chemical Drain Cleaners

5/10/2022 (Permalink)

Chemical Drain Cleaners Have 3 Alternatives

Are you experiencing water backing up due to a clogged drain? Not treating the problem can often require the help of a water damage restoration company, so it's best to address the clog immediately. However, chemical drain-clearing products can result in pipe damage. Instead, try these alternatives to safely and easily remove drain blockages in your Longmont, CO, home.

1. Tackle a Clogged Drain With Mechanical Plumbing Tools

If you are equipped with either a plunger or auger, also known as a drain snake, utilize them first and foremost. These useful sewage cleaning tools can push out stubborn drain blockages with force and offer the quickest solution for a clog.

2. Opt for a Safer Biological Solution

A chemical-based drain cleaner eliminates clogs by producing heat to break down the material. The heat it causes can ultimately damage pipes, particularly those made of plastic or older metal. Additionally, the harsh chemicals pose a threat to the environment as the cleaner can end up in bodies of water and harm animal ecosystems. A safer solution for your clogged drain is an enzymatic cleaner. These products feature live enzymes which eat away at the clog over the course of a few hours.

3. Concoct a Homemade Remedy

You can also clear your drain using simple items you likely already have in your home. There are a variety of home remedies you can try on a clog rather than a chemical cleaner. Perhaps the most popular is taking equal parts of baking soda and vinegar, letting it sit in the drain for an hour, then clearing away with hot water. Pouring a bit of dish soap and hot water into the drain is another effective option.

Don't put your pipes at risk by using a damaging chemical cleaner. Get your drains cleared safely with a plunger or snake, a bio-safe product or with a trusted home remedy.

3 Actions You Can Expect During Storm Damage Restoration

5/9/2022 (Permalink)

Three Things To Expect During Storm Damage Restoration

Strong storms in Erie, CO, can leave behind severe damage in and around your home. Flooding is a common problem with powerful storms, and repairing issues on your own is not always the answer. Calling in a storm restoration team for tear out needs, water removal and more can help you feel more confident in the aftermath, and there are a few actions you can expect your technicians to make when they arrive.

1. Damage Inspection

Before your technicians can take action, they will likely first assess what type of problems severe weather caused. This includes noting which rooms took on water damage, the condition of the walls and ceilings, and performing flood cuts in the walls to identify which sections may need replacing.

2. Water Removal

Removing flood and standing water will probably be a priority for your restoration crew because the longer it sits, the faster it degrades. This type of storm restoration and mitigation is crucial for your home because outdoor flood waters or even water that comes from a sterilized source and then becomes standing water usually contains a lot of bacteria. Leaving the water to a crew that has the experience and tools to clear and dispose of it properly can reduce the cost of damage after a storm.

3. Storm Restoration of Building

After a powerful storm, your storm and flood restoration company technicians will begin to remove damaged furniture and other items from the home to sort and assess. They will tear out damaged drywall and carpeting to prevent mold growth, which can occur as soon as 24 hours after a flood.

When powerful storms strike Erie, CO, damage your home and you require tear out services and water removal, knowing what to expect when restoration technicians arrive can help you understand what to expect and allow you to feel more confident about the outcome.

How Smoke Affects Your Building After a Fire

5/4/2022 (Permalink)

After A Fire, How Smoke Affects Your Building.

After a fire in your Longmont, CO, building, you will probably be most concerned with the damage caused by the flames. This is often the easiest to see and can have the most obvious effect on your building. However, smoke damage can also be extensive. There are multiple ways in which smoke can affect your work environment after a fire.

1. Surface Discoloration

During a fire, smoke travels further than the flames and can affect a much larger area. Soot can settle on surfaces, causing discoloration on walls, floors, furniture and other items. Smoke cleaning on hard surfaces can be done relatively easily, but porous items may need extra care.

2. Equipment Damage

Even if the fire itself does not touch your equipment, that does not mean that it has escaped damage entirely. Smoke and soot can become trapped inside electronic devices, causing corrosion if it is not removed quickly.

If you think that a computer or other device has been affected by smoke, do not turn it on until it has been inspected by a professional and smoke cleaning has been done. Doing so could cause the smoke to move throughout the interior of the device and cause even more damage.

3. Smoke Odor

Not all damage from smoke is visible. In some cases, you may experience a persistent odor after a fire. This can be because of soot and smoke particles trapped inside carpeting, furniture or other porous materials or particles in the air. Dry cleaning affected belongings can reduce this odor. If it does not go away after that, you may need to use an air scrubber or purifier to remove lingering smoke from the building’s environment.

Flames from a fire can have an obvious effect on your building, but it is not the only damage that will occur. It is important to have smoke cleaning done to return the environment to its pre-fire state. Professional services can perform cleanup and repairs to return your building to a safe and comfortable space.

Steps To Take For Storm Damage Recovery

4/15/2022 (Permalink)

The roof of a house being restored by a professional from a restoration company Storms can happen when you least expect it. SERVPRO has teams ready to respond 24/7/365. Contact us about your storm restoration emergency.

Steps To Recovering From Storm Damage

After the wind and rain of a severe storm die down, the scene of destruction may seem overwhelming. You may wonder what to do while you wait for help to arrive. You may wonder what steps you need to take to put your life back together. If your property has been damaged by downed power lines or wind-blown tree branches, there are several steps you can take. Use the following storm tips to guide your actions.

Think of Safety First

Storm conditions can cause dangerous situations:

  • Collapsed roofing or walls
  • Standing water in the basement
  • Shattered glass or exposed nails
  • Damaged gas lines

In many situations, it's best to arrange for a temporary place to stay while your home is repaired. Contact property restoration professionals who can secure your property from further damage and take the first steps toward reconstruction.

Record the Damage

When you have approval to safely enter your property, make photographic records of the damage. Include as many pertinent details as possible in these records. For example, you might write down the brand name and age of your appliances. Thorough records help ensure that you get adequate payments from the insurance company.

Understand the Specifics of the Damage

The steps you take may vary if the storm damage includes flooding or if it led to fire and smoke damage. Consult professionals in your area to get tips regarding safety, cleanup, and local laws. You may also get valuable advice about how to protect yourself from secondary damages.

Check Out Federal Disaster Relief

If the extent of storm damage was severe enough that the federal government has declared a disaster area, you may have access to low-cost loans. This funding can help you get your property back into its pre-damaged condition. You will need to provide specific documents and file those with the federal government to secure these loans, so be sure to keep your paperwork as safe as possible.

These storm tips should help you get started on the journey of getting back to normal. Work closely with Longmont, CO, officials for a safe, orderly process.

4 Residential Flood Proofing Tips

4/13/2022 (Permalink)

specialists are extracting water from a flooded basement When these homeowners came home to find their basement flooded after a water pipe burst, they were sure to call SERVPRO.

4 Flood-Proofing Tips For Your Home

Homeowners can follow these four flood prevention and safety tips to promote flood safety and keep water out of a residence in Berthoud, CO. While it is helpful to flood proof a property in advance, residents should comply with evacuation orders to preserve personal safety.

1. Enhance Drainage

It may be possible to significantly reduce the flood risk of a property by hiring landscaping experts to adjust the grading or slope to ensure that water flows away from the foundation. Adding fill to a property located in a flood zone may enable a homeowner to obtain an amendment or revision on the Flood Rate Insurance Map maintained by the National Flood Insurance Program, which may reduce the cost of flood insurance coverage.

2. Invest In Reusable Flood Barriers

Owners of homes in areas that frequently flood may want to invest in sandbag alternatives for flood safety. Choose from water-filled cofferdams or self-stabilizing fence barriers. Absorbent single-use alternatives are also available.

3. Install Backup Prevention Equipment

Flooding can overwhelm a municipal main and result in sewer backups. A homeowner can hire a plumber to determine whether preventative mechanisms such as a backflow valve, standpipe or overhead sewer could be effective solutions for flood proofing a basement.

4. Anchor or Elevate Critical Components

If flooding is anticipated within days or hours, homeowners should make every effort to promote personal safety while limiting losses. Anchor or elevate critical components such as fuel tanks, generators and HVAC units. Raising indoor electrical components can also reduce electrocution risks. Relocate as many appliances as possible above the anticipated flood water level.

These safety tips can reduce the likelihood that flooding will result in extensive damage and losses at a residence. In any case, flood safety is the primary concern. If a residence suffers damage, mitigation and restoration specialists can quickly arrive on site in Berthoud, CO.

How Does Ozone Treatment Remove Cigarette Smoke Odor?

4/4/2022 (Permalink)

What Is The Process By Which Ozone Treatment removes Cigarette Smoke odor?

Even after quitting smoking, the odors from this noxious practice may linger. A professional air-purifying service can apply ozone home deodorization treatments to remove all traces of cigarette smoke from your home in Longmont, CO.

What Is Ozone?

When the two atoms comprising a standard oxygen molecule come in contact with ultraviolet sun rays, electrical lightning charges or other naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere, they can be split apart. The separated oxygen atoms gravitate toward intact oxygen molecules and attach to them, forming ozone molecules with three oxygen atoms.

How Does Ozone Eliminate Odors?

Think of ozone's third oxygen atom as a wanderer seeking new opportunities. The same third atom that previously attached to a two-atom oxygen molecule will abandon it in favor of a nearby odor-producing molecule. It binds to the new molecule in a chemical reaction that neutralizes the odor while allowing the molecule it leaves behind to return to its original oxygen form.
Among the reasons for using ozone home deodorization to counter cigarette smoke odor are:

  • It reverts to breathable oxygen.
  • It does not leave behind any residue.
  • It does not involve harsh chemicals.
  • It can sterilize the air.

How Does an Ozone Generator Make Ozone?

Ozone generators instigate the oxygen atom-splitting process in one of two ways. The corona discharge method generates a high voltage that passes through a material resistant to electrical currents, resulting in a sustained electric arc that splits the oxygen molecules. The other method involves using wavelengths of ultraviolet light to split oxygen molecules.

Does Treatment Require Evacuation?

Yes! Ozone treatment is relatively quick, usually lasting about 12 hours, depending on your space's square footage. During treatment, and for a few hours following, you should plan to evacuate your home, taking your pets and plants with you. The air in your home will not be breathable until the oxygen molecules revert to their former structure after the treatment ends.

Whether you are dealing with odors from cigarette smoke or a fire, home deodorization can remove smells from your house.

The SERVPRO Standard

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

trucks of a restoration company You can rest assured that a SERVPRO disaster recovery team is available 24/7 to step in to keep the damage at bay.

The SERVPRO Code Of Conduct

When your business experiences a disaster in Longmont, CO, a quick response is essential to its recovery. You can count on your local SERVPRO restoration service, which is faster to any size disaster, to mitigate the damage and help manage your insurance claim.

Available When You Need Us

You can rest assured that a SERVPRO disaster recovery team is available 24/7 to step in to keep the damage at bay. Our crews know that their urgent response can mean the difference between saving your essential property and heavy financial losses that could permanently shut down your business. We are ready any time, day or night, to help you clean up and mitigate the damage.

SERVPRO has over 1700 franchises throughout the country. You never have far to go to receive the best possible service from a dedicated team of professionals.

The Highest Standards

Our uncompromising standards and commitment to best practices outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and the Environmental Protection Agency mean that we never exchange one contaminant for another in our efforts to sanitize your space. It is not enough to be faster to any size disaster; we must bring the best available equipment, supplies and knowledge with us. For this reason, we only work with vendors and contractors who undergo our rigorous vetting process.

Full Service

As a go-to provider working with businesses of all sizes and their insurance providers, SERVPRO knows that the recovery process begins when the cleanup ends. Our experience working directly with adjusters means that we can coordinate every aspect of your insurance claim while you and your employees focus on your daily operations. We never leave you in the dark; we ensure that you have access to all details and updates about your claim through our electronic online claim coordination system or direct contact with one of our representatives.

Our vast network of SERVPRO franchises means we are faster to any size disaster and have the best resources to support you when a disaster strikes your business in Longmont, CO.

3 Ways Liability Insurers Avoid Covering Mold Claims

3/4/2022 (Permalink)

A wall covered in mold Insurance companies continue to create new ways to avoid CGL coverage for mold insurance claims.

Liability Insurers Avoid Covering Mold Claims In Three Ways.

Mold has been receiving a lot of media attention lately, and an unprecedented number of mold-related lawsuits have been filed in recent years. Insurance companies have responded to the sudden increase in mold insurance claims by finding new ways to exclude mold coverage from commercial general liability policies.

1. Exclude Mold Claims Under Existing Policy Exclusions

When mold claim numbers first started to spike, liability insurers attempted to deny coverage for mold-exposure claims under two exclusions that were standard at the time: the Pollution exclusion and the Business Risk exclusion. Denials under these exclusions were questionable at best and did not hold up well on appeal: Mold infestations don’t quite fit within the commonly understood framework of either type of exclusion.

2. Add Specific Exclusions for Mold Claims to Policy Terms

It soon became clear that the Pollution and Business Risk exclusions were not reliable grounds for denying mold insurance claims. Consequently, insurance companies began adding new endorsements to CGL policies that did specifically exclude mold coverage. A common example is the “Fungi or Bacteria Exclusion,” which specifically excludes coverage for mold remediation costs and mold exposure claims. Another example is the “Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage” endorsement, which specifies a separate, often very small, coverage limit for mold-related claims.

3. Offer Mold Coverage as a Separate Policy Type

In addition to adding mold-specific exclusions to their CGL policies, some insurance companies began offering pollution legal liability policies, which specifically include mold within the definition of “pollutant.” Companies that offer both PLL and CGL policies usually have policy language stating that any claim that could be covered under the PLL policies is completely excluded from coverage under the CGL policies.

Insurance companies continue to create new ways to avoid CGL coverage for mold insurance claims. Erie, CO, contractors and business owners should carefully review all policy changes and discuss any concerns with their insurance providers.

4 Residential Water Damage Facts

3/2/2022 (Permalink)

Specialist are cleaning water damage in a home. SERVPRO is your local water, flood, and fire damage restoration professional. Call SERVPRO today to learn more about how we can help!

4 Things To Know About Water Damage In Your Home

Water damage is the second most common type of home insurance claim. Many homeowners are unaware of the extent of restoration necessary after a pipe burst or major leak. Here are four facts to help you make more informed restoration decisions.

1. The Average Restoration Cost Is $2,700

The average cost to remove clean or gray water from a 700 square foot basement is approximately $2,700. If the damage involves clean water from a broken water line, restoration may cost around $1,400. Expenses can range as high as $7,500 for cleaning up highly contaminated black water. Damage caused by flooding is not covered by most homeowners insurance policies.

2. Category One Water Rapidly Degrades

A pipe burst involving clean, treated Category One water is on the low end of the cost estimate because there is no need for cleaning and disinfection. Category One water can degrade to Category Two gray water within 72 hours and to highly contaminated Category Three black water within 120 hours.

3. Contaminated Water Requires Disinfection

Areas exposed to contaminated Category Two or Category Three water must be disinfected. Water damage restoration professionals may pre-treat the area prior to cleaning and tearing out damaged materials such as drywall or carpet. Another round of disinfection is necessary afterward to prevent recontamination.

4. Rapid Drying Is Imperative

Mold may start to grow within 24 to 48 hours after water damage. The risk of secondary damage may be reduced by quick action to mitigate primary damage. Start by removing standing water and damaged materials. Next, clean and disinfect the area, if necessary. Promote drying with a dehumidifier and ventilation.

These water damage facts may help homeowners make informed decisions in the aftermath of a pipe burst or other water damage at a residence in Erie, CO. A mitigation and restoration company can address primary damage and limit secondary damage.

Three Steps for Preventing Flood Damage During a Storm

2/23/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Damage Prevention In A Storm: Three Steps

There are many maintenance steps you can take to keep your home safe during storms and under normal conditions. These include

  • Cleaning the gutters and storm drains
  • Repairing any cracks in siding or foundations
  • Replacing windows and doors that cracked or warped

However, if a storm is coming and you have time to prepare for flooding and other potential risks, you'll need to focus on preventing or minimizing potential storm damage.

One: Know the Risk of Floods

You can get valuable information from your emergency management office or the building department. Ask for the projected flood elevation of your neighborhood. The community may also have a website with this information. However, it's best to get this information before the pending storm. If you wait, those phone lines are likely to be busy, and it may be very hard to get the information you want. If you're not sure what to do with this information, contact a local flood recovery company.

Two: Find and Plug Basement Floor Drains

It isn't unusual for flooding to lead to sewer backups as storm water enters the community water system. As a storm approaches, avoid some flood damage by plugging or capping any floor drains, toilets, sinks, and showers with a plug or cap. If the floor drain ha a ball in the pipe, that drain plug may do the job. Again, work closely with flood recovery professionals to ensure good seals on these drain openings.

Three: Turn Off the Electricity

Shut off the electrical breakers and unscrew the fuses. Even if the water doesn't reach electrical outlets, reduce the potential for electrical shocks. If you have a furnace, freezer, washer, dryer, or other appliance in the basement, there's a risk. As much as possible, remove all appliances from the area to protect yourself and the appliances.

What other advice have you heard about protecting your home during flooding? Can you think of other tips for preventing flood damage?

How To Perform First Aid After a Fire

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

How To Provide First Aid In The Event Of A Fire

No place is untouchable from fires. Even established business areas in Longmont, CO, can be at risk. Your workplace should have a plan for building evacuation, as well as a plan for fire damage recovery and restoration. However, you can also prepare yourself by learning how to administer first aid if a coworker has been burned by a fire. Here are the steps you should take if such an event occurs.

1. Prevent Further Injury

If the person is near the source of the fire damage, assess if it is safe to move toward him or her. If it is safe, clear away anything touching the person that may have caused the burn.

2. Examine the Injury

See if the person is still conscious. Check for symptoms of shock such as shallow breathing or paleness. Establish if it is a major burn by looking for these symptoms:

  • The burn is either very deep into the skin or at least three inches in length.
  • The area is a major body part such as the face, hands or feet.
  • The skin is charred, leathery, or covered with dark-colored patches.

3. Get Help

If the person is in critical condition and cannot be transported to get care, call 911 immediately and explain the person’s condition to the 911 operator. Follow any instructions and stay with the injured person until help comes.

4. Apply Burn First Aid

You can temporarily treat the person’s wound while you wait for help to arrive. If he or she has a major burn, carefully remove items wrapped around the burned area such as jewelry. Keep it clean by applying a clean cloth or bandage. You can also moisten the covering with cool water to alleviate the pain.

Witnessing fire damage at your workplace can be devastating, but being calm and taking care of anyone injured can minimize the most harmful effects of a fire.

The Most Effective Sandbag Alternatives

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

Alternatives To Sandbags That Work

Sandbags can be heavy and messy to fill. Commercial property owners seeking more convenient ways to limit flood damage should consider one or more of the following sand bag alternatives.

Absorbent Materials

Some materials are designed to absorb fresh or flood water and act as barriers. Several styles for absorbent flood control are currently available:

  • Crystallized polymer
  • Powder-filled barriers
  • Self-inflating sand-less bags

These porous flood dams are intended for one-time use and should be disposed of after each flood event. All of these options are easier to deploy than sandbags.

Water-Filled Barriers

Filling a water barrier can be easier than filling a sand bag. There are several different styles of water-filled barriers to choose from:

  • Baffle systems
  • Cofferdams
  • Modular blocks
  • Tube designs

These designs are available in a wide range of sizes. Unlike some flood control materials with fillers that become contaminated, these barriers can be reused multiple times.

Self-Stabilizing Barriers

Self-stabilizing barriers are easy to use to keep flood waters away from a structure. Some of these options are better suited for blocking entrances or windows, while others can be set up in longer runs to keep flood water out of a larger area. Most of these designs can be reused many times.

Levee Machines

Machines are also available to quickly fill bags with sand. The same materials used to make sandbags are needed, with the exception of a shovel. It will also be necessary to either hire or train a crew to safely use this machinery prior to a flood.

All of these sand bag alternatives are relatively easy to use. A property owner may want to invest in a reusable flood prevention solution to limit the amount of water that enters a commercial structure in Longmont, CO. If water breaches the barriers and causes damage, contact a flood damage mitigation and restoration company.

Pretesting and Water Classification: Making the Claims Process More Accurate

2/2/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in a home. This home suffered from water damage and called our SERVPRO team immediately. Our crew quickly responded and began the restoration process.

Water Classification And Pre-testing: Increasing The Accuracy Of Claims

As an insurance agent in the Berthoud, CO, area, it is your job to move the claims process forward. However, it is also necessary that claims are accurate assessments of the damage sustained to a property. Pretesting water damage can help you deliver an accurate insurance claim.

1. Water Categorization

Water categorization refers to the type of water and its level of contamination. There are three categories.

• Category 1 – White Water

White water is considered clean water. It comes from a sanitary source, but prolonged standing could lead to contamination from other sources.

• Category 2 – Gray Water

Gray water is contaminated water. This water presents as a darker color and likely has unsafe levels of chemical and biological matter. Avoid contact with the skin and do not consume as it may make you ill.

• Category 3 Contaminated Water

Category 3 is contaminated and dangerous. This water is likely contaminated with sewage and other toxic chemicals. Contact or consumption could cause serious illness or disease.

2. Category Classification

Pretesting will also provide a classification to the damage. Each category and level require different restoration and mitigation practices which effects price. There are four classifications.

• Class 1

Class 1 water damage means minimal exposure. This means that water is affecting a small area of a room and that there is minimal absorption into the surrounding materials.

• Class 2

Class 2 water damage involves an entire room and a lot of water absorption into surrounding materials. This level also involves affected structural materials.

• Class 3

Class 3 water damage involves the highest level of water absorption. This level of damage typically requires significant repair or replacement of all materials in the space.

• Class 4

Class 4 is more related to drying times than water damage. This level involves specialty drying equipment and times due to deep pockets of saturation.

Pretesting provides an overview of the damage inflicted on a property. The higher the category and classification level the more extensive the repair. Therefore, testing the water before a restoration provides an accurate picture and price point for the claim being made.

What You Need To Know About Ice Dams

1/14/2022 (Permalink)

Ice Dams: Everything You Need To Know

When winter weather hits, you must take additional steps to keep your home in good condition. Unfortunately, if an ice dam forms, your roof could leak. Here are a few things you need to know about ice dams.

Understanding Ice Dams

Ice dams are blocks of ice that form near the edges of your roof. When temperatures are low, these dams don’t cause much trouble. When roof temperatures rise, however, melted water pools behind the dam. As you may suspect, this water can seep under your shingles and into your attic. If you have problem with ice dams, your home could sustain significant damage to the following:

  • Shingles
  • Rafters
  • Decking
  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Ceilings

Keeping Your Roof Cold

If your roofing system isn’t cold enough to keep the water on top of it frozen, you could notice a roof leak from an ice dam. To keep your roof cold, you must control the temperature of your attic. Perhaps the most successful way to keep heat out of your attic is to seal off the space. This prevents warm air from the living areas of your home from entering the attic and warming the roof. You may also want to check your insulation. If it isn’t in good shape, insulation may not keep your exterior roof cool. Finally, consider adding soffit vents in your attic to adequately vent the space.

Starting Cleanup Immediately

If ice dams cause water damage in your Longmont, CO, home, you must act quickly to mitigate damage. As you likely know, standing water can damage walls, floors, foundations and furnishings. Even worse, mold can begin to grow in as few as 24 hours. By working with a reputable water cleanup service, you take advantage of professional equipment and expertise to restore your home to its pre-leak condition.

Having an ice dam is a recipe for disaster. By understanding these dams and knowing how to prevent them, you can protect the comfort, value and appearance of your home.


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